五、体循环静脉 V. venous circulation

体循环静脉可分为上腔静脉系、下腔静脉系、心静脉系。 Systemic venous system can be divided into the superior vena cava, inferior vena cava system, cardiac venous system.

(一)体循环静脉特点 (A) systemic venous Features

1. 1. 属支较多,血液流速较慢。 Branches more blood flow is slower. 管腔大,管壁薄。 Lumen large, thin wall.

2. 2. 可分为浅、深两种。 Can be divided into superficial and deep two kinds.

3. 3. 吻合丰富。 Anastomosis rich.

4. 4. 有静脉瓣,可防止血液逆流。 Venous valve to prevent backflow of blood.

体循环静脉特点 Systemic venous Features

静脉始自毛细管 Since the beginning of the capillary veins     腔大壁薄分深浅 Large thin wall cavity depth points

大部具有静脉瓣 Most have a vein graft     顺流开放逆流关 Open downstream countercurrent off

(二)上腔静脉系 (B) Department of the superior vena cava

上腔静脉系主干是上腔静脉,收集范围包括头颈、上肢、胸部(除心)、脐以上腹前外侧壁的静脉血。 Vena cava trunk line is the superior vena cava, the collection covers the head and neck, upper chest (except the heart), the lateral wall of the umbilical vein above the abdomen. 上腔静脉由左、右头臂静脉合成,于主动脉升部的右侧下降注入右心房,在其后壁尚有奇静脉注入。 Vena cava by the left and right brachiocephalic vein synthesis, on the right side of the ascending aorta and right atrium injected decline in its rear wall Shangyou Qi intravenous injection.

1. 1. 头臂静脉 Brachiocephalic vein

由同侧颈内静脉、锁骨下静脉合成。 From the ipsilateral internal jugular vein, subclavian vein synthesis. 汇合处向外上方的夹角称静脉角。 Confluence angle outward at the top corner of said vein.

(1)颈内静脉:自颈静脉孔处出颅,伴颈内动脉、颈总动脉下降,在胸锁关节后方与锁骨下静脉汇合为头臂静脉。 (1) internal jugular vein: Since the jugular foramen at the skull, with the internal carotid artery, carotid artery fall behind in the sternoclavicular joint and subclavian vein confluence of the brachiocephalic vein. 颅外属支主要是面静脉。 Extracranial venous branches mostly surface.

面静脉:始自内眦静脉,与面动脉伴行,汇入面静脉。 Facial vein: angular vein began, accompanied with facial artery, facial vein import. 面静脉无静脉瓣,面部疖肿挤压后脓栓可沿面静脉、内眦静脉、眼静脉入海绵窦,引起颅内感染。 Facial vein without venous, after squeezing pus bolt face Boil along the facial vein, angular vein, ophthalmic vein into the cavernous sinus, causing intracranial infection. 故将鼻根至两口角之间的区域称为危险三角。 Therefore, the area between the bridge of the nose to the mouth called two dangerous triangle.

面静脉 Facial vein

面静脉无静脉瓣 Facial vein without venous     颅内颅外互通连 Interworking even intracranial extracranial

疖肿挤压脓栓走 Boil squeezing pus bolt go     面内眼窦脑感染 The inner surface of the eye cerebral sinus infection

注:面 面静脉 Note: The face - facial vein     内眦静脉 Within - within the angular vein     眼静脉 Eye - ophthalmic vein     海绵窦 Sinus - cavernous

(2)锁骨下静脉:自第一肋外侧缘续于腋静脉,与颈内静脉汇合前尚接受颈外静脉。 (2) the subclavian vein: from the first rib lateral margin continued to axillary vein, internal jugular vein confluence with the former still accept the external jugular vein.

颈外静脉:收集头后及颈浅部静脉血,在胸锁乳突肌表面下行。 External jugular vein: After collecting blood shallow head and neck, the sternocleidomastoid surface down. 是颈部最大浅静脉,小儿常选此静脉进行穿刺。 Is the largest superficial veins of the neck, children often choose this vein puncture.

(3)上肢的静脉 (3) upper limb vein

上肢深静脉与同名动脉伴行,浅静脉主要有三条: Upper extremity deep vein and artery of the same name with the line, there are three main superficial vein:

1)头静脉:起自手背静脉网桡侧。 1) cephalic vein: starting from the back of the radial side of the vein network.

2)贵要静脉:起自手背静脉网尺侧。 2) your vein: starting from the back of the net ulnar vein.

3)肘正中静脉:为连接头静脉、贵要静脉的浅静脉。 3) median cubital vein: to connect the cephalic vein, basilic vein superficial veins.

上述三条静脉是临床常用的注射、输液、采血部位。 These three are commonly used in clinical intravenous injection, infusion, blood collection site.

2. 2. 奇静脉 Azygos

起自胸后壁的静脉,在上腔静脉后壁注入。 Since the posterior wall of the thoracic veins injected in the posterior wall of the superior vena cava. 主要属支有食管静脉等。 The main branches of esophageal veins.

食管静脉:起自食管静脉丛,向上注入奇静脉,向下通过食管静脉丛与胃左静脉相交通。 Esophageal varices: Since esophageal venous plexus, up odd intravenous injection, down through the esophagus and the left gastric vein venous plexus with traffic.

(三)下腔静脉系 (C) Department of the inferior vena cava

下腔静脉系主干是下腔静脉,它是在第五腰椎平面由左、右髂总静脉汇合而成。 Trunk line is the inferior vena cava and inferior vena cava, which is the fifth lumbar plane from left and right common iliac vein confluence. 收集腹部、盆部、下肢的静脉血。 Collect abdomen, pelvic, lower extremity venous.

1. 1. 盆部静脉 Pelvic veins

(1)髂总静脉:是盆部静脉主干,在骶髂关节前方由髂内、髂外静脉合成。 (1) common iliac vein: a pelvic vein, in front of the sacroiliac joint synthesis by internal iliac external iliac vein.

(2)髂内静脉:与髂内动脉伴行,其属支也均与同名动脉伴行。 (2) the internal iliac vein: the internal iliac artery accompanied its tributaries were also accompanied with the same name as the artery. 直肠静脉丛的血液向下可经直肠下静脉汇入髂内静脉。 Rectal venous plexus of blood down to import the internal iliac vein rectal vein.

(3)髂外静脉:由股静脉延续而来。 (3) the external iliac vein: a legacy from the femoral vein.

2. 2. 下肢静脉 Venous

下肢深静脉均与同名动脉伴行,主要的浅静脉有: Deep vein were accompanied with the same name as the artery, the main superficial veins are:

(1)大隐静脉 (1) the great saphenous vein

起自足背静脉网的内侧,于内踝前方上升,沿小腿、大腿内侧上行,在腹股沟韧带中点下方注入股静脉。 Since the medial dorsal venous network, up to the front of the medial malleolus, along the calf, thigh upward, below the midpoint of the inguinal ligament injection femoral vein. 临床常选内踝前方切开大隐静脉,进行输液或输血。 Clinical often choose to cut in front of the medial malleolus saphenous vein infusion or transfusion.

(2)小隐静脉 (2) the small saphenous vein

起自足背静脉网的外侧,于外踝后方沿小腿后方上升,在腘窝处注入腘静脉。 Since the lateral dorsal venous network, and to the rising edge of the rear leg behind the lateral malleolus, in the popliteal fossa popliteal vein injection.

3. 3. 腹部静脉 Abdominal vein

腹腔内成对脏器的静脉也多成对,主要有肾静脉、睾丸静脉等。 Intravenous paired organs in the abdominal cavity also many pairs, mainly renal vein, testicular vein. 不成对脏器(除肝外)的静脉血先注入门静脉,再经肝静脉入下腔静脉。 Unpaired organs (except extrahepatic) is injected into the vein to the portal vein, and then the hepatic vein into the inferior vena cava.

4. 4. 肝门静脉 Hepatic portal vein

(1)肝门静脉的特点 (1) the characteristics of the hepatic portal vein

1)门静脉是一条粗短的主干。 1) portal is a stubby trunk.

2)门静脉两端都是毛细血管。 2) portal capillaries both ends.

3)门静脉无静脉瓣。 3) no portal vein graft.

4)门静脉与上、下腔静脉之间有广泛的吻合。 4) and the portal vein, there is a broad agreement between the inferior vena cava.

肝门静脉的特点 Hepatic portal vein characteristics

门静脉,粗短干 Portal vein, stubby stem     两端都是毛细管 Both ends of capillary

血液上下能沟通 Blood down to communicate     只因没有静脉瓣 Because no vein graft

(2)肝门静脉的组成:由肠系膜上静脉和脾静脉合成。 (2) the composition of the hepatic portal vein: the superior mesenteric vein and splenic vein synthesis.

(3)肝门静脉的属支:主要有①肠系膜上静脉、②肠系膜下静脉、③脾静脉、④胃左静脉、⑤胃右静脉、⑥附脐静脉 (3) the hepatic portal vein branches: the superior mesenteric vein mainly ①, ② the inferior mesenteric vein, ③ splenic vein, ④ left gastric vein, ⑤ right gastric vein, ⑥ attached umbilical vein

(4)肝门静脉的收集范围:除肝外的腹腔内不成对脏器的静脉血。 (4) the hepatic portal vein of the collection range: In addition to the liver outside the abdominal cavity unpaired organ blood.

(5)肝门静脉与上下腔静脉的吻合途径 (5) the hepatic portal vein and inferior vena cava anastomosis way

1)门静脉→胃左静脉→食管静脉丛→食管静脉→奇静脉→上腔静脉。 1) the left gastric vein portal vein → → → esophageal esophageal plexus azygos vein → → superior vena cava.

2)门静脉→附脐静脉→脐周静脉网→胸壁、腹壁静脉→上、下腔静脉。 2) attached umbilical vein portal vein → → → umbilical venous network chest, abdominal vein → the inferior vena cava.

3)门静脉→肠系膜下静脉→直肠上静脉→直肠静脉丛→直肠下静脉→髂内静脉→下腔静脉。 3) the inferior mesenteric vein portal vein → → → vein inside the rectum rectum rectal venous plexus → → → iliac vein and inferior vena cava.

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