二、脑干 Second, the brain stem

脑位于颅腔内,可分为脑干、小脑、间脑、端脑。 Brain located in the cranial cavity, can be divided into the brain stem, cerebellum, diencephalon, telencephalon. 脑干属于脑的一部分。 Part of the brain stem.

(一) 脑干分部 (A) Division brainstem

脑干包括延髓、脑桥、中脑三部。 Brainstem includes the medulla, pons, midbrain three.

(二) 脑干位置 (B) the location of the brainstem

位于颅后窝,自枕骨大孔至蝶鞍之间。 Located in the posterior fossa, between the foramen magnum to the sella since.

(三)脑干外形 (C) brainstem shape

下端较细,与脊髓表面沟裂相续,中上部较宽大。 Lower end of the smaller, and the spinal cord surface fissure continued with the upper lenient.

1. 1. 腹面观 Ventral view

  (1)延髓:主要结构有锥体和锥体交叉。 (1) medulla oblongata: The main structure of the cone and the cone cross.

(2)脑桥:借延髓脑桥沟与延髓分界。 (2) pons: by medulla pons and medulla boundary ditch. 主要结构有基底沟等。 The main structure of the substrate ditch.

(3)中脑:主要结构有两个大脑脚和脚间窝等。 (3) in the brain: the main structure of the brain has two legs and feet between the nest and the like.

2. 2. 背面观 Dorsal view

(1)延髓:主要结构有薄束结节、楔束结节。 (1) medulla oblongata: The main structure of a thin beam nodules, nodules wedge beam.

(2)脑桥:脑桥和延髓之间是菱形窝。 (2) the pons: between the pons and the medulla oblongata is the rhomboid fossa. 菱形窝两侧有与小脑相连的小脑脚。 Both sides of the diamond-shaped fossa connected to the cerebellum and cerebellar feet.

(3)中脑:有四叠体,即两个上丘和两个下丘。 (3) in the brain: There are four stacked body, that is, two upper and two lower mound mound. 上丘与视觉反射有关,下丘与听觉反射有关。 The superior colliculus and visual reflex, inferior colliculus and auditory reflex.

(四)脑干内部结构 (D) the internal structure of the brain stem

1. 1. 灰质 GRAY

脑干灰质不再是连续的灰质柱,而是灰质团块,称为神经核。 Brainstem gray matter is no longer a continuous column of gray matter, gray matter but clumps, called nucleus.

(1)脑神经核 (1) cranial nerve nuclei

分为躯体运动核、躯体感觉核、内脏运动核、内脏感觉核。 Into somatic motor nuclei, somatosensory nuclei, visceral motor nuclei, visceral sensory nucleus. 大多位于相关脑神经的深面。 Mostly in the deep surface of the brain related.

1)躯体运动核:包括特殊内脏运动核,主要有动眼神经核、滑车神经核、展神经核、三叉神经运动核、面神经核、舌下神经核等。 1) somatic motor nuclei: Includes special visceral motor nuclei, mainly oculomotor nucleus, trochlear nucleus, exhibition nucleus, trigeminal motor nucleus, facial nucleus, hypoglossal nucleus.

躯体运动核 Somatic motor nucleus

动眼滑车展 REM slide show     三叉舌下面 Trigeminal tongue below     疑副运动全 Vice suspect the whole movement

2) 内脏运动核:主要有动眼神经副核、上泌涎核、下泌涎核、迷走神经背核等。 2) visceral motor nuclei: the main oculomotor nucleus, the secretion of saliva nucleus, salivatory nucleus, dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve.

内脏运动核 Visceral motor nucleus

动眼副,上下涎 REM deputy, saliva down     迷走神经副交感 Vagal parasympathetic

3)内脏感觉核:只有一个孤束核。 3) visceral sensory nucleus: Only a solitary tract nucleus.

4)躯体感觉核:包括特殊躯体感觉核和一般躯体感觉核,前者有前庭核、蜗核,后者有三叉神经中脑核、三叉神经脑桥核、三叉神经脊束核。 4) somatosensory nucleus: including special somatic sensory nucleus and general somatic sensory nucleus, the former vestibular nucleus, cochlear nucleus, which has trigeminal nucleus in the midbrain, pons trigeminal nucleus, spinal trigeminal nucleus.

感觉核 Sensory nucleus

内脏感觉孤单单 Visceral feeling lonely single     躯体特殊和一般 Special and general body

前庭蜗核较特殊 Vestibular cochlear nucleus more special     三叉感觉分为三 Trigeminal sensory divided into three

注:孤 孤束核 Note: solitary - the solitary tract nucleus

(2) 传导中继核 (2) conducting the relay core

主要为薄束核和楔束核,分别接受薄束和楔束的纤维。 The main nucleus and a thin wedge nucleus, were treated fiber bundles and thin wedge beam.

2. 2. 白质 White matter

由上行和下行的纤维束构成,主要包括四个丘系。 The uplink and downlink fiber bundles, including four lemniscus.

(1)内侧丘系:由薄束核和楔束核发出的纤维组成,传导躯干和四肢深感觉及精细触觉。 (1) medial lemniscus: nucleus and a thin wedge beam issued out of the fibers, conduction trunk and limbs deep feeling and fine touch.

(2)外侧丘系:由蜗核发出的纤维组成,传导听觉。 (2) lateral lemniscus: issued by the worm out of the fibers, conduction hearing.

(3)脊髓丘系:由脊髓丘脑前束和脊髓丘脑侧束合成。 (3) Spinal lemniscus: Synthesis by spinal cord anterior hypothalamus and thalamus side beam bundle.

(4)三叉丘系:由三叉神经感觉核发出的纤维组成,传导头面部浅感觉。 (4) of the trigeminal lemniscus: issued by the trigeminal sensory fibers out, head and face superficial sensory conduction.

脑干白质 Brainstem white matter

脑干白质四丘系 Brainstem white matter four lemniscus     传导感觉丘脑去 Sensory conduction thalamus go

内侧发自薄楔核 Inside of the bottom of a thin wedge of nuclear     外侧丘系蜗核起 Cochlear nucleus from lateral lemniscus

三叉丘系三叉核 Trigeminal nucleus of the trigeminal lemniscus     脊髓两束并一体 Spinal two beams and one

(五)脑干的功能 (E) the function of the brain stem

1. 1. 传导 Conduct

2. 2. 反射的低级中枢 Reflected the lower center

3. 3. 脑干网状结构有维持大脑皮质觉醒的作用。 Brainstem reticular structure to maintain the role of the cerebral cortex awakening.

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