八、脑脊液及其循环 Eight, cerebrospinal fluid and circulation

脑脊液是一种无色透明的液体,充满脑室和蛛网膜下隙,成人约100~140ml。 Cerebrospinal fluid is a clear, colorless liquid, filled ventricles and subarachnoid space, an adult about 100 ~ 140ml.

(一)产生部位 (A) producing site  

脑脊液产生于各脑室脉络丛。 Cerebrospinal fluid produced in each ventricle choroid plexus.

(二)循环途径 (B) the cycle route

左、右侧脑室脉络丛 经室间孔 →第三脑室 经中脑水管 →第四脑室 经正中孔、外侧孔 →蛛网膜下隙→蛛网膜粒→上矢状窦→窦汇→左右横窦→左右乙状窦→颈内静脉。 Left and right lateral ventricle choroid plexus - between the third ventricle through the foramen - through the cerebral aqueduct → fourth ventricle - by the middle of the hole, lateral sinus sink hole sagittal sinus → → → → subarachnoid subarachnoid on grain → left transverse sinus → around within the sigmoid sinus → jugular vein.

(三)作用 (C) the role of

保护脑和脊髓,维持颅内压,参与脑和脊髓的代谢。 Protect the brain and spinal cord, maintain intracranial pressure, involved in the metabolism of the brain and spinal cord.

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