This calculator calculates symbolic matrix and expression with operator of +, -, *, /, \, ^ and function of limit(x,x=0), diff(x), integrate(x,x), solve(x==0), find_root(x,-1,9), factor(), etc.
= is assignment, it will remember assignment until clear memory by
== is equal for equation, instead of =, e.g. x-1==0
find_root(x) is a function with function name of two words separated by underscore _
Solving matrix equations is easy, using the method solve_right. Evaluating A.solve_right(Y) returns a matrix (or vector) X so that A X = Y, where X in right hand side of A.
A backslash \ can be used in the place of solve_right; use A \ Y instead of A.solve_right(Y).
Similarly, use A.solve_left(Y) to solve for X in X A = Y, where X in left hand side of A.
compute eigenvalues using
compute eigenvectors using
The syntax for the output of eigenvectors_left is a list of triples:
(eigenvalue, eigenvector, multiplicity)