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Example of Graphics 制图
Classification by plotting function 按制图函数分类
Webpage editor
plot (x) 制图
polarplot (x) 极坐标图
complexplot (z) 复变函数图
complex2D (x) 2 Curve 复函数2D
plot2D (x) 制2D图
Parametric Curves in 2D 参数曲线2D
Parametric Curves in 3D 参数曲线3D
parametric3D (x) 参数3D线
surface3D (x) 表面3D图
function3D (x) 函数3D图
plot3D (x) 立体3D图
section3D (x) 截面3D图
spin3D (x) 旋转3D图
contour3D (x) 线框3D图
complex3D (x) 复变函数3D图
parametric3D (t,t,t) 参数立体3D图
wireframe3D (x) 立体线框3D图
implicit3D (x-y-z) 隐函数3D图
graph3D (x) 制3D图 in 10 styles
graphing3D (x) 3D图形
Parametric Surfaces in 3D 参数表面3D图
math3D (x) 数学3D图 in lot styles
data3D (x) 数据3D图 in 10 styles
Classification by Dimension 按维数分类
plane curve 2D 平面图
drawing with draw (x)
surface 2D
space curve 3D 3D线
curve3D(t,t,t) for Parametric Curves in 3D 参数曲线
parametric3D (t,t,t) 参数3D线
surface 3D 表面3D图
surface3D (x) 制表面3D图
plot3D (x) 制3D图
graph3D (x) 制3D图 in 10 styles
graphing3D (x) 3D图形
parametrics3D (x,y,z) for Parametric Surfaces in 3D 参数表面3D图
math3D (x) 数学3D图 in lot styles
data3D (x) 数据3D图 in 10 styles
section3D (x) 截面3D图
spin3D (x) 旋转3D图
contour3D (x) 线框3D图
complex3D (x) 复变函数3D图
parametric3D (x,y,z) 参数立体3D图
wireframe3D (x) 立体线框3D图
implicit3D (x-y-z) 隐函数3D图
surface 4D equation
the 4-dimensional equation f(x,y,n,t) = 0 with plot2D
the 4-dimensional equation f(x,y,z,t) = 0 with implicit3D
the 4-dimensional equation f(x,y,z,n) = 0 with parametric3D
the 4-dimensional data (x,y,z,t) or (x,y,z,color) amination with data3D
the 5-dimensional data (x,y,z,color,t) amination with data3D
Classification by appliaction 按应用分类
Classification by objects 按物体分类
Classification by function 按函数分类
Classification by equation 按方程分类
Classification by domain 按领域分类
Classification by libary 按文库分类
Classification by calculator 按计算器分类
Classification by platform 按平台分类
Paul Masson, Xiao Gang, Theo Armour, Christopher Chudzicki,
If you have good idea or example, please contact us, I might include it into this demo page, of course with credit to you, your name will be included here.
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